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81. R. Miyar, I. W. Un, S. Har Lavan, Y. Dubi, J. H. Baraban, Y. Sivan & B. A. Rosen, Disentangling Plasmonic Enhancement of Electronic and Thermal Effects in Catalysis Using In Operando X-ray Diffraction, ACS Catal. 2025, 15, XXX, 2359–2366
80. O. L. A. Monti & Y. Dubi, Surface magnetic stabilization and the photo-emission chiral-induced spin-selectivity effect, Journal of the Americal Chemical Society, Article ASAP , DOI: 10.1021/jacs.4c12974
79.  Subhajit Sarkar & Yonatan Dubi , Time Crystals from Single-Molecule Magnet Arrays, ACS Nano 2024, 18, 41, 27988–27996 
78.  M. Khonkhodzhaev,  S. Maglakelidze, Yonatan Dubi &Lev Mourokh , Persistence of Correlations in Neurotransmitter Transport through the Synaptic Cleft, Biology 2024, 13(7), 541
77.  S. Lorber, O. Zimron, I. L. Zak, A. Milo &  Y.  Dubi, Using quantum transport networks for classification - a new path towards quantum computing for machine learning, Phys Rev applied 22, 014041 (2024) 
76.  S. Alwan, A. Sharoni &  Y.  Dubi, Role of Electrode Polarization in the Electron Transport Chirality-Induced Spin-Selectivity Effect, J. Phys. Chem. C 2024, 128, 15, 6438–6445
75.  D. Dentelsky, R. Damary, Y. Marmor, A. Niv, M. Roses and Y.  Dubi, Ninety-Nine Percent? Re-Examining the Consensus on the Anthropogenic Contribution to Climate Change, Climate 2023, 11(11), 215
74.  Yonatan Dubi, Biases and Feedbacks in the Knowledge System: from Academia to the Public and Back, European Review  Vol.31,No.5,510–526 .   
Published as part of the special issue  "Perils for Science in Democracies and Authoritarian Countries"
73. Elinor Zerah-Harush & Yonatan Dubi, Signature of Quantum Coherence in the Exciton Energy Pathways of the LH2 Photosynthetic Complex, ACS Omega 2023, 8, 42, 38871–38878
72. Seif Alwan, Subhajit Sarkar, Amos Sharoni, Yonatan Dubi, Temperature-dependence of the CISS effect from measurements in Chiral molecular intercalation super-lattices, J. Chem. Phys. 159, 014106 (2023).
71. Chen Yang, Yanwei Li, Shuyao Zhou, Yilin Guo, Chuancheng Jia, Zhirong Liu, Kendall N. Houk, Yonatan Dubi & Xuefeng Guo, Real-time monitoring of reaction stereochemistry through single-molecule observations of chirality-induced spin selectivity, Nature Chemistry volume 15, 972–979 (2023)
70. Y. Dubi, Spinterface chirality-induced spin selectivity effect in bio-molecules, Chem. Sci., 2022,13, 10878-10883

69. S. Sarkar and Y. Dubi, Emergence and Dynamical Stability of a Charge Time-Crystal in a Current-Carrying Quantum Dot Simulator, Nano Letters 22, 11, 4445 (2022) 

68. S. Sarkar and Y. Dubi, Signatures of discrete time-crystallinity in transport through an open Fermionic chain, Nature Communications Physics 5, 155 (2022)

67. S. Sarkar, I.-W. Un, Y. Sivan and Y. Dubi, Theory of non-equilibrium ``hot'' carriers in direct band-gap semiconductors under continuous illumination, New Journal of Pysics, 24, 053008 (2022)
66. Y. Dubi, I.-W. Un, J. Baraban & Y. Sivan, Distinguishing thermal from non-thermal contributions to plasmonic hydrodefluorination, Nature Catalysis volume 5, 244–246 (2022)
65. Y I.-W. Un, Y. Dubi & Y. Sivan, Photothermal nonlinearity in plasmon-assisted photocatalysis, Nanoscale, 2022, Advance Article  
64. Y. Dubi, I.-W. Un & Y. Sivan, Distinguishing Thermal from Nonthermal (“Hot”) Carriers in Illuminated Molecular Junctions, Nano Letters 2022

63. S. Alwan & Y. Dubi, Spinterface Origin for the Chirality-Induced Spin-Selectivity Effect, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 35, 14235–14241

62. Y. Sivan and Y. Dubi, Theory of “Hot” Photoluminescence from Drude Metals, ACS Nano 15, 5, 8724 2021

​61.   E. Zerah-Harush & Y. Dubi,  Do photosynthetic systems use quantum coherence to enhance their efficiency? Probably not. Science advances  7, eabc4631 (2021)

60. Y. Sivan & Y. Dubi, Recent developments in plasmon-assisted photocatalysis - A Personal Perspective , invited review , Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 130501 (2020)
59. S. Sarkar & Y. Dubi,  Environment Assisted and Environment Hampered Efficiency at Maximum Power in a Molecular Photo Cell,  Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Just Accepted (2020)
58. E. Zerah-Harush & Y. Dubi,  Effects of disorder and interactions in environment assisted quantum transports,  Phys. Rev. Research 2, 023294 (2020)
57. Y. Sivan, J. Baraban, I. W. Un & Y. Dubi,Thermal effects - an alternative mechanism for plasmonic-assisted photo-catalysis,  Chem. Sci., 2020, 11, 5017-5027
see also Reply to Comment by Jain,!divAbstract
56. Y. Sivan, J. Baraban & Y. Dubi, Eppur si riscalda -- and yet, it (just) heats up: Further Comments on "Quantifying hot carrier and thermal contributions in plasmonic photocatalysis", OSA Continuum Vol. 3, Issue 3, pp. 483-497 (2020).
55. Y. Sivan, J. Baraban, I. W. Un & Y. Dubi, Comment on "Quantifying hit carrier and thermal contributions in plasmonic photocatalysis", Science Vol. 364, Issue 6439, eaaw9367.
54. Y. Dubi & Y. Sivan, "Hot" electrons in metallic nanostructures - no -thermal carriers or heating?  Nature Light: Science & Applications 8, Article number: 89 (2019)
53. Y. Mazal, Y. Meir & Y. Dubi, Nonmonotonic thermoelectric currents and energy harvesting in interacting double quantum dotsPhys. Rev. B 99, 075433 (2019).

52. Y. Dubi & Y. Sivan, Assistance of metal nanoparticles to photo-catalysis - nothing more than a classical heat source,  Faraday Discuss., 2018, Accepted .

51. Y. Goldberg, Y. Meir & Yonatan Dubi, Vibration-Assisted and Vibration-Hampered Excitonic Quantum Transport , J. Phys. Chem. Letters 9(11), 3143 (2018)

50. Chih-Chun Chien, Kirill A. Velizhanin, Yonatan Dubi, B. Robert Ilic, and Michael Zwolak, Topological quantization of energy transport in micromechanical and nanomechanical lattices, Phys. Rev. B 97, 125425.
49. Elinor Zerah-Harush and Yonatan Dubi, Universal Origin for Environment-Assisted Quantum Transport in Exciton Transfer Networks, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2018, 9, 7, 1689-169.
48. Jianfeng Zhou, Kun Wang, Bingqian Xu & Yonatan Dubi, Photoconductance from Exciton Binding in Molecular Junctions, J. Am. Chem. Soc.,140 (1), pp 70–73 (2018).
47. Yifat Nakibli, Yair Mazal, Yonatan Dubi , Maria Wächtler, and Lilac Amirav, Size Matters: Cocatalyst Size Effect on Charge Transfer and Photocatalytic Activity, Nano Letters, 18, 357-364 (2018)

46. Archack Purkayastha & Yonatan Dubi,  Quantum transport under ac drive from the leads: A Redfield quantum master equation approach, Phys. Rev. B 96, 085425 (2017).

45. N. Vardi, El. Anouchi,  T. Yamin, S. Middey, M. Kareev, J. Chakhalian, Yonatan Dubi & Amos Sharoni, Ramp-Reversal Memory and Phase-Boundary Scarring in Transition Metal Oxides, Advanced Materials 1605029 (2017).

44. C. -C. Chien, S. Kouachi, K. A. Velizhanin, Y. Dubi & M. Zwolak, Thermal transport in dimerized harmonic lattices: Exact solution, crossover behavior, and extended reservoirs, Phys. Rev. E 95, 012137  (2017)


43. Y. Kleeorin, Y. Meir, F. Giazotto & Y. Dubi, Large Tunable Thermophase in Superconductor – Quantum Dot – Superconductor Josephson Junctions,

Scientific Reports 6, 35116 (2016)

42. Cunlan Guo, Kun Wang, Elinor Zerah-Harush, Joseph Hamill, Bin Wang, Y. Dubi and Bingqian Xu,

Molecular rectifier composed of DNA with high rectification ratio enabled by intercalation,

Nature Chemistry 8, 484–490 (2016), DOI: 10.1038/NCHEM.2480


Some mentions to this paper in the media:

English news sites - here , here, here, and a list here.

Hebrew news sites - here, here & here.

Hebrew radio (Min. 23) - here




41. Crossover behavior of the thermal conductance and Kramers’ transition rate theory, Kirill A. Velizhanin, Subin Sahu, Chih-Chun Chien, Yonatan Dubi & Michael Zwolak, Scientific Reports 5, 17506 (2015).


40. Interplay between Dephasing and Geometry and Directed Heat Flow in Exciton Transfer Complexes, Y. Dubi, J. Phys. Chem.C  119, 25252−25259 (2015)  


39. Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance in Hybrid Nanoparticle--Single Molecule Junctions, Elinor Zerah-Harush & Y. Dubi,

Physical Review Applied 3, 064017 (2015) ( arXiv:1506.02164)  


38. Topical Review: Negative Differential Conductance in Molecular Junctions: Overview of Experiment and Theory, with Bing-Qian Xu, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 27.


37. Mechanical Tuning of Conductance and Thermopower in Helicene Molecular Junctions, with Jaroslav Vacek, Jana Vacek Chocholousová, Irena G. Stará, & Ivo Starý, arXiv: 1504.01916,   RSC Nanoscale 7, 8793 (2015).



36. The Molecular Photo-Cell: Quantum Transport and Energy Conversion at Strong Non-Equilibrium, with S. Ajisaka and B. Zunkovic, Scientific Reports 5, 8321 (2015).



35. Transport through Self-Assembled Monolayer Molecular Junctions: Role of In-Plane Dephasing,    J. Phys. Chem. C, 2014, 118 (36), pp 21119–21127.




35. Dynamical coupling and negative differential resistance from interactions across the molecule-electrode interface in molecular junctions, J. Chem. Phys. 139, 154710 (2013) .


34. Possible origin of thermoelectric response fluctuations in single-molecule junctions, New J. Phys. 15 105004 (2013).


33. The effect of fluctuations - thermal and otherwise - on the temperature dependence of thermopower in aromatic chain single-molecule junctions ,

      J. Chem. Phys. 138, 114706 (2013)


32. Tunable Thermal Switching via DNA-based Nano Devices, with K. Velizhanin, C.-C. Chen and M. P. Zwolak, Nanotechnology 24, 095704 (2013).    




31.  Signature of a Kondo Hybridization hole, with X.-J. Zhu and A. V. Balatsky, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 186401 (2012).


30.  Microwave-mediated thermoelectric effect in a quantum dot, with Feng Chi, J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 24,1 (2012).




29. Pseudo-Gap phase above the Hidden Order state in URu2Si2, with J. Haraldsen and A. V. Balatsky, Phys.Rev. B 84, 214410  (2011)  


28. Temperature dependence of the tunneling density of states in sub-micron planar metal / oxide / graphene junctions, S. Hacohen-   Gourgy,  I. Diamant, B. Almog, Yoni Dubi, and G. Deutscher, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 172108 (2011).


27. How Kondo-holes create intense nanoscale heavy-fermion hybridization disorder, M. H. Hamidian, Andrew R. Schmidt, Inês A.  Firmo, M. P. Allana,P.             Bradleye, Jim D. Garrett, T. J. Williams, G. M. Lukeg, Yoni Dubi, Alexander V. Balatskyi, and J. C. Davis, PNAS 108, 18233 (2011).


26. Thermal transport as a probe for DNA denaturation, with K. Velizhanin, C.-C. Chen and M. P. Zwolak, Phys. Rev. E 83, 050906 (2011)  


25. Hybridization wave as the 'Hidden Order' in URu2Si2, with A. V. Balatsky, Phys. Rev. Letters 105, 086401 (2011).


24. Charge Density Wave at the 'Hidden Order' state of URu2Si2, J. J. Su, Y. Dubi, P. Wolfle and A. V. Balatsky, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23, 094214                 (2011).


23. Colloquium: Energy flow, Thermoelectricity and Fourier's law at the nanoscale , with M. Di Ventra,   Rev. Mod. Phys. 83, 131 (2011)




22. Origin of the Fano lineshape in tunneling spectra of Heavy Fermion systems, with P. Wolfle and A. V. Balatsky,  Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 246401 (2010) .


21. Impurity induced bound states and proximity effect in a bilayer exciton condensate, with A. V. Balatsky, Phys. Rev. Lett.104, 166802 (2010).




20. Maintaining the local temperature below the critical value in thermally out of equilibrium superconducting wires,  with M. Di Ventra,

     Phys. Rev. B 80, 214510 (2009).     See popular account in New Scientist magazine  


19. Fourier's law - insight from a simple derivation, with M. Di Ventra, Phys. Rev. E 79, 042101 (2009).


18.  Thermo-spin effects in a quantum dot coupled to ferromagneticleads, with M. Di Ventra, Phys. Rev. B. 79, 081302(R) (2009)


17.   First-order reversal curve measurements of the metal-insulator transition in VO2 : Signatures of persistent metallic domains ,

       J. G. Ramirez, A. Sharoni, M. E.  Gomez and I. K. Schuller, Phys. Rev. B 79, 235110 (2009).


16.  Reconstructing Fourier's law from disorder in quantum wires, with M. Di Ventra, Phys. Rev. B 79, 115415 (2009).


15.  Relaxation times in open interacting two-qubit systems, with M. Di-Ventra,  Phys. Rev. A 79, 012328 (2009)


14.  Information compressibility, entropy production and approach to steady state, with M. Di-Ventra,  Europhys. Lett. 85, 40004 (2009)


13.  Theory of thermoelectric effects in nanoscale junctions (With M. Di-Ventra), Nano Letters 9, 97 (2009).




12. Effective single-particle order-N scheme for the dynamics of open non-interacting many-body systems (with Y. Pershin and M. Di-Ventra),  

    Phys. Rev. B 78, 054302 (2008).


11.  Island formation in disordered superconducting thin films at finite magnetic fields (with Y. meir and Y. Avishai), Phys. Rev. B 78, 024502 (2008)




10.   Superconducting islands, phase fluctuations and the Superconductor-Insulator Transition (with Y. meir and Y. Avishai),  

   , Physica C: Superconductivity, 468.


9.   Nature of the Superconductor-Insulator Transition in Disordered thin Films(with Y. meir and Y. Avishai),  Nature 449, 876 (2007) .


8.   Local Current Distribution and "Hot Spots" in the Integer Quantum Hall Regime  (with Y. Meir and Y. Avishai, Phys. Rev. B 74, 205314 (2006).


7.   A Two Phase Harmonic Model of Left-Ventricle Function  (S. Dubi, C. Dubi andY. Dubi), Journal of  Medical Physics and Engineering 29, 984 (2007).


6.   Pair correlations and the survival of superconductivity in and around a super-conducting  impurity Phys. Rev. B 75, 094510 (2007).




5.   Local Current Distribution and "Hot Spots" in the Integer Quantum Hall Regime  (with Y. Meir and Y. Avishai,  Phys. Rev. B 74, 205314 (2006).


4.   Theory of magneto-resistance in disordered superconducting films , with Y. Meir and Y.  Avishai, Phys. Rev. B 73, 054509 (2006).


3.   A unifying model for several two-dimensional phase transitions ,with Y. Meir and Y. Avishai, PRL 94, 156406 (2005).


2.  Quantum Hall Criticality, superconductor-insulator transition  and quantum percolation with Y. Meir and Y. Avishai, PRB 71, 125311 (2005)


1.   Glow Curve Analysis of Composite Peak 5 in LiF:Mg,Ti (TLD-100) Using Optical Bleaching, Thermal Annealing and Computerized Glow Curve Deconvolution,  with S. Biderman, Y. S. Horowitz, L. Oster and Y. Einav, Radiat. Prot. Dosim.101(1-4), 69-72 (2002) .


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